• Drainage

    • Scary urban legends

      Admit that you are still shuddered by memories of scary stories from your youth. Every child has heard stories about maniacs, ghosts and alien abductions. And all these stories are, of course, true, because... happened to anyone

    • Pancakes with herbs Lush kefir pancakes with herbs

      Delicious pancakes with greens are a great quick dish that you can offer your household for a light dinner. This is also a very good recipe for those who don’t like sweet pancakes. They always turn out very pleasant to the taste, tender, aromatic, and yes

    • Prayer protects a child from troubles and misfortunes Protects a grandson from bad influence

      If relationships with loved ones do not work out in your home: you often quarrel, make scandals, or there is no money in your house, then buy three Bibles (three New Testaments are possible). If there is no peace and harmony in the family, and relatives have turned into real enemies, then

    • Canned cabbage_10 recipes

      Date of publication: 09/04/2018 Now, during the cabbage ripening season, the issue of canning arises. Not everyone has the opportunity and place to store heads of cabbage, so it’s better to immediately stock up on jars of your favorite snack. This blank is one of the few that is

    • Soviet lunar program

      The Moon landing was broadcast live all over the world, with the exception of the USSR and China. There is a widespread legend, which was outlined by the Soviet journalist and popularizer of science Yaroslav Golovanov in his book “The Truth about the Apollo Program.” He wrote: “It’s late in the evening

    • How to determine movable and immovable property?

      Property is a collection of existing values. When we list types of property, for some reason we only include real estate in this category. But a car is also property, existing cash savings, securities are valuables that belong to you.

    • Tarot card meaning - Hanged Man

      Characteristics: Description: XII The Hanged Man (The Traitor) le Pendu (le Traitre) der Gehängte For the unprepared viewer, 12 Arcanum makes the most painful impression, in addition to the terrible name, it also has an unusual image - The Hanged Man Hangs

    • Chemistry Student research work in chemistry

      In this section you can choose interesting topics for chemistry projects. The leader should pay attention to the level of complexity of a particular topic and its comparison with the student’s level of knowledge. The research process involves teacher consultation

    • How to make a cellar in a house with your own hands: excavation work, choice of material and type of entrance, arrangement of the floor, walls, steps and ventilation. How to make a basement in a private house

      There is no need to tell you how important and necessary a good cellar in the house is for those who grow vegetables with their own hands and store a strategic supply of jam and pickles. The most rational and most convenient solution would be to build a cellar under the house another

    • High voltage and more Homemade inverters 12-220V from a transformer

      This inverter was developed just a month ago and has gained wide popularity since that day. The circuit is relatively simple, does not contain microcircuits or complex circuit solutions - a simple master oscillator tuned to 57Hz and power switches. Power invert

    • How to make roses from maple leaves with your own hands

      Roses from maple leaves. Master class with step-by-step photos Master class on needlework: using the technique of “working with natural materials.” Title of the master class: “Flowers from autumn leaves.” Author of the work: Nikolaeva Natalya Anatolyevna, teacher of additional education

    • Himalayan pine Tree planting and care

      According to one ancient Greek legend, pine trees originated from the nymph of the morning dawn - Pitis, who turned into a pine tree to hide from the claims of the god of the north wind Boreas. Well, her descendants were clearly a great success. Like other coniferous trees, pine distinguishes

    • Unique and new varieties of Russian selection

      Actinidia is a perennial woody vine from the Actinidia family. Its homeland is Southeast Asia and the Himalayas. The branched shoots are covered with beautiful leaves, so actinidia can be used for garden landscaping, especially variegated varieties

    • A manual for the construction of antenna mast devices

      To begin with, a small introductory note, as a kind of summary of the work done. So, it’s worth starting to implement such a project if you have an extra 50 thousand in your pocket, a great desire to have high-quality radio communications, mainly when working in passages.

    • How to plant ferruginous balsam correctly?

      Impatiens ferruginosa Scientific classification Kingdom: Plants Division: Flowering plants Class: Dicotyledons Order: Ericaceae Family: Impatiens Genus: Impatiens Species: Impatiens ferruginosa International scientific name Im
