• How zodiac signs behave in friendship. Compatibility calculator in friendship by date of birth online Compatibility by zodiac sign for friendship

    Nata Karlin

    Any person is born under the influence of one or another sign of the zodiac. constellation originally endows it with certain qualities and character traits, influencing later life. When people of different signs of the zodiac interact, new features and shades of personality of each of them can appear. Therefore, the horoscope of compatibility of zodiac signs with other 12 signs in love can help people understand themselves and understand the hidden thoughts and origins of their partner’s actions, explain how to do the right thing to build relationships.

    Boy and girl holding hands

    However, it is worth remembering that the horoscope of compatibility of men and women by date of birth will not give you an accurate guide to action. Compatibility cannot be absolute and relative, the stars show people the way, and to walk it hand in hand or leave this venture is everyone's decision. In the absence of a desire to understand a partner, to compromise and delve into the essence of each problem that has arisen, even zodiac signs that are completely suitable for each other will not coexist together for a long time.

    What zodiac signs are suitable for each other in astrology: tables and percentages

    The following compatibility table will show who suits whom according to the zodiac sign as a percentage:

    Compatibility in %He
    AriesTaurusTwinsCancera lionVirgoscalesScorpionSagittariusCapricornAquariusFishes
    SheAries45 73 46 47 59 48 66 59 67 43 89 43
    Taurus85 89 72 79 54 76 67 89 79 79 63 91
    Twins51 63 75 57 48 56 73 60 66 86 89 38
    Cancer48 92 67 51 95 87 74 79 55 56 71 73
    a lion49 53 43 94 45 68 69 76 88 79 68 43
    Virgo39 55 54 90 76 62 62 78 78 58 38 53
    scales58 56 66 74 89 61 69 64 87 49 90 55
    Scorpion53 84 58 68 92 72 54 38 96 54 52 87
    Sagittarius61 49 71 61 93 53 85 95 91 66 89 88
    Capricorn58 95 72 63 88 49 45 64 40 84 78 91
    Aquarius72 56 78 61 78 38 89 50 75 67 76 71
    Fishes45 92 39 72 52 63 68 65 82 69 46 76

    In some eastern countries, including India, young people before marriage ask a local astrologer calculate compatibility by year of birth according to the eastern (Chinese) horoscope. It should be noted that many couples, having received a negative result, refused to marry. Unfortunately, in Russia the divorce statistics are rather sad, so it would not be superfluous to learn from the experience of Eastern lovers.

    The classic zodiac signs compatibility table is as follows:

    Zodiac signs compatibilityHe
    AriesTaurusTwinsCancera lionVirgoscalesScorpionSagittariusCapricornAquariusFishes
    a lion

    Alone believe in the compatibility of the zodiac constellations, others do not, others themselves ascertained this fact. However, this dependence has been proven by numerous surveys and studies.

    If you are worried about a relationship of a different plan, take a free online test for the compatibility of zodiac signs in friendship. This will help you find mutual understanding with friends, work colleagues and superiors.

    Compatibility of zodiac signs by elements: fire, water, air, earth

    Each zodiac sign of the western horoscope refers to a specific element:

    1. Fire- Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
    2. Earth- Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.
    3. Air- Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.
    4. Water- Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.


    Not necessarily people born under the signs of the zodiac of the same element will fit each other perfectly. They are similar in characters, worldview, habits, but this is precisely what becomes a stumbling block. Compatibility of zodiac signs in bed, love, sex will be so violent that it will interfere with building harmonious relationships.

    burning heart


    Very rarely people born in these elements are suitable for each other. Fire is able to burn the earth, and the latter, in turn, extinguishes the flame. Opposites attract, but this does not mean that they will find complete mutual understanding.


    A promising and interesting combination of two elements. Air inflates (inspires) the fire, so people of these signs have an ideal spiritual intimacy. It is easy and simple for partners to be together, but an ambitious fire can overdo it in the struggle for leadership.

    Fire water

    A blazing fire boils water. These people will never fully understand each other. A fire claiming leadership can suffer from a stream of water. However, it is in this combination that people experience the most vivid emotions.

    Symbolic image of fire and water


    This union promises to be strong, because it unites people who are moving towards the goal along the same paths under the influence of similar beliefs. Family, love and loyalty come first for them. These are stable and calm natures, solving all problems together.


    Almost incompatible elements, whose representatives have little understanding of each other. The main problem with signs is their inertia. In relation to each other, they experience neither passion, nor lust, nor emotions.

    Air to Air

    Easy and simple relationships based on romantic feelings and isolation from reality. While the partners are in the candy-bouquet period, their union is perfect. But with the transition to the stage of stability, their complete inability to deal with everyday problems manifests itself.


    Very often people of these elements are drawn to each other. But from these relations one can expect continuous extremes. They threaten complete calm and indifference or a raging storm.


    Signs of the zodiac elements of water very often feel their own loneliness. Even a nearby partner cannot get them out of this state. But in a pair, representatives of these elements merge into a single mighty stream that overwhelms them with a waterfall of passions. The sexual compatibility of the signs of the zodiac element of Water is the highest.

    ocean wave

    The love compatibility of the signs of the zodiac by months and dates of birth, depending on the elements and numerology, is based solely on statistics and observations of astrologers over the relationship of different couples.

    It must be remembered that only you yourself can create an element of passion or indifference from your relationship.

    Aries compatibility by zodiac sign

    power-hungry, straightforward and stubborn Aries used to manage everything and everyone who is around. For him, it absolutely does not matter whether he is right in the next dispute or not, because he is sure that he will emerge victorious from it. The best combination is observed with Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. With representatives of the element Water, these people do not have very high compatibility, but a completely harmonious union is possible.

    Aries + Leo

    Taurus compatibility by zodiac sign

    Stubborn and ambitious Taurus will never give up their positions to anyone. In love, sex, marriage, these are real dominants. Taurus feel great in the company of representatives of their own elements - Virgo, Capricorn. In a combination of two Taurus, a constant struggle for superiority is possible.

    Zodiac sign Taurus

    Gemini compatibility by zodiac sign

    Changeable and freedom-loving Gemini fickle and unpredictable, which is why it is so difficult to predict their subsequent actions. This zodiac sign is compatible with almost all elements. For example, an excellent union will be with Aquarius, Libra. However, a pair of Gemini will never find mutual understanding: their union promises to be short-lived.

    Cancer compatibility by zodiac sign

    Romantic and timid, emotional and suspicious, Cancers are endowed with surprisingly strong intuition. They may be calm and gentle, indomitable and energetic. Representatives of their own elements will become excellent partners for Cancers. Unions of Cancer with their own kind, Scorpions and Pisces are doomed to eternal work on their relationship, because the path will be strewn with misunderstandings and mutual distrust. However, understanding each other, they will definitely find happiness.


    Compatibility Leo according to the sign of the zodiac

    The most suitable partners for Leo are representatives of the elements Air: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. They will get along with Aries and Sagittarius, the union of the two Lions also promises to be successful, but the confrontation between the forces of Fire will haunt them all their lives. Union with Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn causes boredom and hostility in Leo.

    Virgo compatibility by zodiac sign

    Virgo is too picky, so it is very difficult for her to choose a partner. Perfectly compatible with representatives of this zodiac sign are Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. However, in order to communicate with the water signs of the zodiac, Virgo needs to significantly reduce their requirements. Any undertaking in tandem with Leo, Sagittarius and Aries will be completed with success. but in a love union, both need to moderate demands and nagging a partner.

    Beautiful girl with a tiger


    Compatibility of Libra by zodiac sign

    With all their loftiness and airiness, these are extremely cold-blooded natures, endowed with the gift of persuasion. . Patience and inner peace Libra allows them to look down on the explosions of emotions of representatives of the elements of Fire - Aries or Sagittarius. Great for them intellectual alliances with Aquarius, Capricorn. A pair of two Libras will quickly find a common language, but one will have to unconditionally take responsibility.


    Scorpio compatibility by zodiac sign

    The best tandems for Scorpions are Pisces, Cancers. Two Scorpions in one family can get along with difficulty. The battles for the right of primacy and leadership in everything will never subside.

    Scorpio + SagittariusScorpio+AriesScorpio+Leo

    A horoscope describing a combination of zodiac signs allows you to find out how suitable a partner is for marriage or friendship, whether relations with him will be comfortable and strong. This will protect yourself from unnecessary disappointments and resentment in the future. There are exceptions to the rule (for example, signs that are completely incompatible can live happily ever after for many years), so you should not rely entirely on compatibility tables. After all, in addition to this, there are many other factors in life that affect relationships.

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    Often in life there are situations when people live unhappily in marriage or the relationship of a couple in love does not add up. In ancient times, the ancestors believed that the wrong choice of a partner could be to blame for this. For those who want to check whether he has chosen the right life partner, there is a compatibility table for zodiac signs.

    Compatibility of zodiac signs:

    Zodiac sign Compatibility characteristic
    Aries The most suitable partner for tying a relationship or marriage would be Leo or Sagittarius. With Leo, Aries has similar ideas about the world. Sagittarius shares his unpredictability and active life position. It is not recommended to associate life with Aquarius. He is too freedom-loving and does not tolerate pressure on himself. Scorpios are also not the best partners for Aries
    Taurus A good spouse for Taurus will be Virgo or Capricorn. Both signs are independent, but at the same time vulnerable and in need of support. Taurus should avoid relationships with Scorpions. They are as independent as Taurus and love to be in charge. Well, Cancers are too gloomy to have feelings for the representatives of this sign.
    Twins This sign feels great next to Aquarius and Libra. The first shares the thirst for freedom, and the second brings peace and stability to the life of Gemini. Often, Gemini have a relationship with the Lions, but nothing good will come of this pair. Capricorns are also not the best match, as they are too sociable and hyperactive for Gemini.
    Cancer Cancer has a lot in common with Pisces and Scorpio. Therefore, relations with them are harmonious and strong. Often an affair is struck up with Libra, but they are too fickle for Cancers. The most unfavorable sign for marriage is Sagittarius. He is prone to unpredictability and betrayal, which is quite painful for Cancers.
    a lion Every now and then the Lions get closer to the Gemini. But this union does not last long, since Leo loves to dominate, and this does not suit Gemini. A passionate, but short romance happens between Leo and Scorpio. After that, they often remain friends. Relationships with Virgos are to be avoided. They are too meticulous, and Leo does not like to hear constant criticism of himself.
    Virgo The best option for Virgo in terms of a serious relationship is Capricorn. He loves to be protective, and Virgo often needs to be protected. With Gemini and Sagittarius it will not be possible to build a strong pair, only friendship is possible with them. Well, Aries must be bypassed as far as possible, since Virgo is disgusted by his passion
    scales Libra can successfully build relationships with Aquarius and Gemini. These signs bring bright colors to the life of too balanced Libra. With Taurus, because of their too power-hungry nature, only friendly relations can develop
    Scorpion Scorpios love to be first in everything they do. That is why their alliance with Cancers, who do not like to stick out, will be successful. Scorpios also get along well with Pisces and Sagittarius. But representatives of their own sign, they are better off avoiding
    Sagittarius Leo is the best fit for this sign, which will always support and guide you on the right path. A good relationship with Aries is possible only with the complete submission of Sagittarius. You should not make plans for life with Taurus, he tortures with jealousy
    Capricorn A great partner for Capricorn is the practical Virgo. She will become an assistant in all endeavors. With Taurus, family life will be close to ideal, since these signs are very similar in worldview. But you should not mess with the windy Gemini. Their penchant for entertainment on the side is very painfully perceived by monogamous Capricorns.
    Aquarius The most suitable partners for the family life of Aquarius are Libra and Gemini. These signs are often connected by common interests and will always find a topic for conversation. Often, Aquarians gravitate towards Leo and Sagittarius, but these relationships do not last long. Cancers repel Aquarius with their gloominess and unwillingness to communicate
    Fishes An excellent life partner for Pisces will be Cancer, who knows how to listen and understand. A good marriage happens with a decisive and reliable Scorpio. But with a restless Aries, Pisces will not be comfortable in marriage

    According to the Chinese horoscope

    The eastern horoscope claims that the compatibility of people in love and family relationships is determined by the year of birth. All those who believe Chinese astrologers consider their compatibility horoscope before starting a relationship.

    A pair of characters that is placed opposite each other in the compatibility table is considered incompatible. People born in respective years don't match very well.

    These signs are considered the most compatible in all areas of life:

    1. 1. Rat, Dragon, Monkey. Those born under these signs are passionate and strong people. They often suppress their partners who do not have such energy. They need a relationship on the edge, only then they feel happy.
    2. 2. Bull, Snake, Rooster. Calm and balanced people. They need a stable and balanced relationship in which they can show their loyalty.
    3. 3. Tiger, Horse, Dog. They value independence and freedom, but at the same time they are eager to find a soul mate. Relations with the signs of their group will be the most harmonious.
    4. 4. Rabbit, Goat, Pig. The softest and most compliant of all signs. They do not accept cruelty and rude treatment. They need to be especially careful in choosing a partner.

    By the elements

    Compatibility in a love relationship is assessed not only by the year of birth and the sign of the zodiac, but also by the element in which the sign is located. For those who are interested in more detailed information about their romantic relationships, it will be useful to learn about compatibility by elements.

    In total, the signs of the zodiac are divided into 4 elements:

    1. 1. Air is Aquarius, Gemini, Libra. All representatives of these signs are windy and freedom-loving. This does not mean that people born under these symbols will be unfaithful. They just know the price of their freedom and value it. Astrologers say that the greatest compatibility in love occurs with the signs of Fire. But here you should be careful, this union is explosive.
    2. 2. Water is Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces. Water signs strive for family life from an early age, seeking to gain self-confidence. But at the same time, they can be incredibly demanding and selective towards a partner. The easiest way is to find a common language with the signs of the Earth.
    3. 3. Fire is Sagittarius, Leo, Aries. Representatives of these signs are combined with all other elements, but best of all with Air. The relations of the signs of Fire with representatives of their own fiery group do not add up.
    4. 4. Earth is Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus. Earth signs love to be in control and don't tolerate pressure. They have the most harmonious relationship with their own group. Difficulties can arise with fire signs, since it is difficult for them to interact with each other.

    Compatibility in friendship

    If the zodiac constellations are incompatible, then making friends will be problematic. That is why astrologers advise before starting such a relationship, to study the horoscope of compatibility of signs.

    Zodiac sign Characteristic
    Aries Aries are open to communication only with those who admire them. They can maintain relationships only with those who obey their frantic energy, but they themselves are interested in bright and charismatic personalities. Aries has the strongest connection with representatives of the signs of Air and Water.
    Taurus Taurus is fun and easy to communicate with. Easily comes to the aid of friends without asking for anything in return. But Taurus is very touchy and remembers their grief for a long time. Well converge with representatives of the elements of Fire and Earth
    Twins Gemini always have a lot of friends and quickly forget them if communication is interrupted for a while. People of this sign are dreamers and good storytellers, they always have something to talk about. Most often, strong friendship arises with representatives of their element, Air and fire signs.
    Cancer Cancers are gloomy and unsociable, so they do not have a large number of friends. But for those who are lucky enough to become their friend, Cancers will give everything they have. They are good at listening and understanding the interlocutor. Good Friendship Compatibility with Air Signs
    a lion This is a sign of friendly and sociable people who know how to value friendship. All their friends are tested and tested by time. They prefer to make friends with people with whom they have similar interests. Best compatible with fire signs
    Virgo Virgos are suspicious and often closed to communication. They practically have no friends. In all difficult situations, they rely on themselves and their knowledge, therefore they do not find a common language with others. Good compatibility with earth signs
    scales They are interesting in communication and are always ready to help. But Libra has few real friends, as they value sincerity and selflessness in people. Ideally compatible only with representatives of their own elements
    Sagittarius Sagittarius is quite sociable and friendship is not the last place in his life. They have many friends and acquaintances, but are very quick-tempered and often quarrel with them. Go well with representatives of the elements of the Earth
    Scorpion One of the most difficult signs in a friendly relationship. Scorpios are envious and too practical. Maintaining a good relationship with them is not easy. Goes well with the water element
    Capricorn Rarely makes friends due to his natural incredulity. But in friendship he is generous and will always come to the rescue in difficult times. Compatible with representatives of the elements of Water and Earth
    Aquarius One of the most sociable signs of the zodiac. Compatible with almost everything except watermarks. Establishes the closest contact with representatives of his own element
    Fishes Reliable and loyal friends, but only for a select few. They always expect a response if they helped in something. Compatible with water and earth signs

    Compatibility of parents and children

    In order for parents to have the opportunity to communicate with their children and understand them well, they need to study the compatibility horoscope with their child. Astrologers assure that the nature of relationships with children develops precisely according to such a horoscope. Thanks to him, you can find the right approach to the child:

    1. 1. Sagittarius, Aries, Leo. These are very difficult parents. Suppressing the child with their energy, they do not allow him to develop independently and make his own decisions. Therefore, often their relationship with children is very strained. The ideal combination will be with children born under the element of Air.
    2. 2. Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo. Practical and demanding. They instill in their children a sense of confidence and calmness. Often conservative in matters of education. Good relations will be with children born under the signs of water and earth elements.
    3. 3. Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces. Very caring, but quite democratic parents. Give children some freedom of choice. Often they intuitively feel the needs of their child. Compatible with representatives of the air element.
    4. 4. Libra, Gemini, Aquarius. These signs are the best parents. They become not just mentors, but friends to whom the child trusts his secrets. Compatible with children born under any sign.

    Having studied the information about the compatibility of a particular sign, a person will be prepared for various pitfalls in a relationship.

    And some secrets...

    I looked at my husband in fascination, and he did not take his admiring eyes off his mistress. He acted like a lovesick jerk...

    Perfect compatibility of zodiac signs in friendship. Friendship between zodiac signs women

    Many people are surprised by the fact that friendship with one person can be very strong, and with another relationship does not stick at all. This seems especially strange if the last person is pleasant to you, but there is absolutely no connection with him.

    So why do we choose some people as our friends and reject others? It is worth looking at this problem from an astrological point of view. Each sign of the zodiac has its own characteristic features that have a lot of influence on relationships between people.


    He will be a good friend due to his honesty and willingness to help. He will not climb into your soul, eliciting the secret.

    This is not to say that Aries is very attentive: he can very easily not notice that his friend is stressed or depressed. However, this happens not so much because of his selfishness, but because of the confidence that in his presence people immediately become cheerful and joyful, forget about troubles.

    Until you tell Aries about your difficulties, he will be cheerful and carefree, not noticing your depression. However, as soon as he learns about the troubles of a comrade, he will immediately defend himself, taking responsibility for himself.

    He wants to prove that he is a leader and a winner, but because of this desire, the life of Aries himself often slides to the bottom. You should not use the help and trust of an Aries friend too often without a good reason.

    Aries is a friend who loves to have fun himself and to entertain others, he will do anything to make it interesting and fun for both him and his comrades. If you refuse to participate in the fun initiated by him several times, you can turn into a bore and a boring person in the eyes of Aries.

    What Aries will definitely not like is advice and moralizing, especially if they seem better than his initiatives. He is confident that he knows best what, how and when to do it. Accept him for who he is.

    Aries sees friendships primarily as sharing each other's points of view. You must love those he loves and sincerely hate those he is hostile to.

    Aries hate liars and always say what they think, that is, the truth. If he notices that such a truth offended you, he will immediately rush to apologize, but then everything will repeat itself.

    Aries helps everyone around him, there is no self-interest in him, but friends in return should also be ready to come to his aid at any time. If Aries notices that friendship has become more like using it for selfish purposes, expect a scandal.

    Most compatible in friendship with Gemini, Cancer and Capricorn.


    Taurus is a magnificent and reliable comrade, to whom others are drawn, especially tremulous and nervous persons who want to enjoy the calmness and confidence of such a friend. Taurus, for his part, loves to be friends with creative people, those who are radically different from himself.

    Many people consider Taurus as their friend without asking their opinion. But Taurus himself is in no hurry to let anyone very close to him. He is rather distrustful and strong friendly relations with him cannot be established in a short time.

    If he recognized you as his friend, you can safely rely on him. He will help with advice, action and money, although with the last aspect there may be a hitch, which is not so much to blame for the stinginess of Taurus, but for some of his reluctance in spending finances.

    If you want to make friendship with Taurus strong and long, learn diplomacy. No need to try to argue with such a friend, it is better to find a compromise.

    Taurus love heart-to-heart conversations, calm and lingering. They don't like talkers who talk purely on emotions.

    Perhaps the most unusual manifestation of friendship with Taurus is jealousy. Taurus may well consider you their property. He will not tolerate competition and will not share you with someone else.

    Most compatible in friendship with Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio and Capricorn.


    They are full of charm, sociable and love to have fun. Such a person can become a great friend, but friendship is much more than a simple friendship, the basis for which is joint entertainment. Libra is completely uncharacteristic of a deep and pure sincerity that is not connected with the mind.

    Even friendship with a person, they will always appreciate him. Friendship is an impartial thing, there should be no place for noticing the slightest weaknesses of a loved one in it. Your friendship with Libra will always be formal and reasonable, it will not work out differently.

    Libras are able to profitably use their charisma and charm to achieve their own goals. They will not lie or pretend, but there is always an element of manipulation in such a relationship.

    Libra will not leave a friend without useful advice. They value moral principles and do not like to devote loved ones to their problems, preferring to figure them out on their own. They have one very valuable talent - the ability to bring harmony, peace and tranquility to the soul.

    Most compatible in friendship with Taurus, Leo, Libra and Sagittarius.


    Too cautious Virgos rarely trust strangers. If we talk about friendship, they always notice the shortcomings of even the closest people. Such a warehouse of character does not allow Virgos to have too many friends.

    However, Virgo is an energetic sign, she loves change, getting new information, and loves to gossip. Its main goal is to turn any chaos into absolute order. Virgo will support a friend, but certainly not harming herself. Do not abuse her help.

    Virgo is indispensable as an adviser: she will always show and tell, explain everything to the smallest detail.

    Virgo is a great partner for visiting various entertainment venues. Restrained and closed in life, she opens up when watching a dramatic movie, for example, and besides, you can have a great time with her at the bowling alley. Just don’t go with Virgo to the races or to the casino - such an attitude towards money will definitely not please her.

    Most compatible in friendship with Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn and Gemini.


    Gemini is a very sociable person and her social circle can be infinitely wide. But at the same time, Gemini can rarely name more than one or two bosom friends, since communication and friendship are two different things. In order to make friends with Gemini, you need to endure their desire to always attract the attention of others.

    Gemini is selfless in friendship. They often make friends with people who are modest and even gray - either in order to stand out from their background, or to help them free themselves from constraint in communication.

    Most compatible in friendship with Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius.


    Most closely, Cancer is friends with people he has known since childhood or youth. He is strongly attached to the past, so nostalgic memories can become the basis for a strong and warm friendship. Cancers love memories.

    Friends of Cancer are sometimes difficult, as he believes that friendship exists primarily so that he has someone to discuss his problems with.

    No one would argue with this if it were not for the desire of Cancer to make drama and tragedy out of any little thing. Listening to his complaints is endlessly impossible. Cancer has few friends, but each of them has truly angelic patience.

    Cancer considers friends as family. He will always feed them deliciously and help with finances, listen and give good advice. The only thing he will not succeed is friendship on equal terms. Cancer wants to dominate everything.

    Most compatible in friendship with Taurus, Scorpio and Cancer.

    a lion

    Do you want to have friendship with Leo? Become successful and self-sufficient, but no more than he himself. Those who are equal to him, he will consider competitors, and lower in status - servants, pages, suitable for the fulfillment of his desires, but unworthy to be brought closer to his person.

    Leo is dominant in friendship. If he considers you a friend, you can be sure of his patronage, but if you disappoint him, you may not even think about forgiveness.

    Leo cannot be criticized, especially in public: revenge can follow immediately.

    Lions have a bad attitude towards passive and clamped people, they also do not like lack of spirituality and aggression.

    Most compatible in friendship with Gemini, Libra and Sagittarius.


    Scorpios are very individual, so making friends is difficult for them, and maintaining it is doubly difficult. Communication with Scorpio is subject to such a person who will recognize him as a leader and will not criticize the despotic and eccentric behavior of a friend.

    Such friendship can be described as a union of people, one of whom always look up, and the other always look down.

    In addition, a Scorpio friend must be a very calm and balanced person, otherwise the Scorpio's behavior can hurt very much.

    To someone who fully meets the above criteria, Scorpio will become a reliable comrade, always able to help, as well as a very interesting conversationalist.

    Scorpios love loyal people, and their real friends will be loved and respected.

    Most compatible in friendship with Taurus, Cancer and Capricorn.


    For a Sagittarius, friendship is very important. He treats his friends like family and trusts them even if they have let him down. Sagittarius is sociable, so his social circle is wide, he has many friends. People around him like his sociability and charm, but excessive honesty can quarrel Sagittarius with someone, because people really don’t like it when they are shot with the truth right in the face.

    Those who communicate closely with Sagittarius may argue that he never wants to offend anyone. If you do not tolerate familiarity, you definitely do not need a Sagittarius friend. But if there is such a friendship, be always ready to hear a lot of interesting things about yourself. If you are also frank in response, you will earn the unconditional respect of Sagittarius.

    Most compatible in friendship with Aries, Gemini and Sagittarius.


    Capricorn prefers to stay in a circle of people with power and influence, but he is used to not mixing true friendship with the desire to be closer to the "powerful ones".

    By nature, these people are loners, so they usually have only one true friend in life.

    They know how to keep other people's secrets and understand friendship as a readiness to come to the rescue at any moment. They will spare nothing for family and friends. Friendship for Capricorns is very important.

    Most compatible in friendship with Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius.


    For Aquarius, everyone is a friend! It does not matter to him what race, nationality or religion his new acquaintance belongs to. Aquarius loves everything. The most favorite words of Aquarius are “friend” and “buddy”, however, Aquarius will not call anyone the best friend.

    Most compatible in friendship with Libra, Gemini and Capricorn.


    Friendly people who communicate well with everyone who treats them well. If they cannot communicate with a friend for a long time, they begin to get bored and yearn, simultaneously looking for a comrade in everyone they meet.

    Pisces really need to be needed, they love to receive approval and attention.

    These people are very compassionate, which is often used by not very conscientious "buddies" who use Pisces as a vest in which to cry.

    Pisces will not be offended by a friend, even if he is at least a hundred times wrong. Those who appreciate this at its true worth are the true friends of Pisces.

    Most compatible in friendship with Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn and Pisces.

    Which signs have the worst compatibility

    • Aries - Taurus.
    • Taurus - Aquarius.
    • Gemini - Cancer.
    • Cancer - Aquarius.
    • Leo - Taurus.
    • Virgo - Libra.
    • Libra - Virgo.
    • Scorpio - Aries.
    • Sagittarius - Pisces.
    • Capricorn - Leo.
    • Aquarius - Aquarius.
    • Pisces - Virgo.

    Which signs have the best compatibility

    • Aries - Sagittarius.
    • Taurus - Capricorn.
    • Gemini - Leo.
    • Cancer - Scorpio.
    • Leo - Libra.
    • Virgo - Taurus.
    • Libra - Sagittarius.
    • Scorpio - Capricorn.
    • Sagittarius - Aries.
    • Capricorn - Pisces.
    • Aquarius - Sagittarius.
    • Pisces - Capricorn.

    Friendly Compatibility Table

    How to use it

    In order to determine the degree of compatibility between people, they use a special table created by astrologers.

    The number at the intersection of two characters is the level of their compatibility. The higher the number, the higher it is:

    • From 1 to 10 - the lowest indicator, misunderstanding and disrespect between partners.
    • From 11 to 20 - a low level, problems in relationships are frequent.
    • From 21 to 30 - average compatibility, conflicts and indifference between people are possible.
    • From 31 to 40 is a good level. The union will be strong if there are concessions.
    • From 41 to 50 - high. Good mutual understanding.
    • From 51 to 60 - very high. Trust and common interests.
    • From 61 to 70 - almost perfect compatibility. Complete understanding and harmony.
    • From 71 to 80 is ideal. Rare combination.


    Friendship is the main and enduring value in human life. Finding out what the compatibility of the signs of the zodiac in friendship is a kind of help to find a reliable and faithful comrade. No one will deny that friendships arise regardless of races, genders, zodiac signs. Compatibility according to a horoscope is a kind of model of human relationships in which friends are selected according to absolutely objective criteria.

    Astrology claims that soul mates are most often people born in the same element. They have a lot in common, but the main thing is one temperament.

    Fire element (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

    Those born in this element have strength, energy, temperament. These are typical choleric people: fast, impulsive, irritable. They live by the principle: to desire and act.

    They have a huge energy potential, but they are often subject to emotional breakdowns and downturns. Aries, Leo and Sagittarius will find comrades in their fiery element. They will also like Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Air signs, fanning the flames of fire, bring new ideas and inspiration.

    Earth Element (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

    Those born under the auspices of the earth element are static, solid. Typical phlegmatic. It's hard to get them out. In any case, they are unhurried, calm and diligent. They have a sense of duty and practicality. They do not like and do not want to show emotions. They are close in spirit to people of their element and representatives of Water.

    Air Element (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

    These are typical sanguine people: contact, mobile, positive and lively. But they are defeated by frequent and abrupt mood swings. They are sociable, cheerful and curious. They have an independent character, are often uncollected and undisciplined.

    Their friends are air and fire signs.

    Water Element (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

    Aquatic representatives are sensitive, vulnerable and dreamy. A typical representative is a melancholic. Lives by the principle: feel and feel. Often capricious, tearful. These are the most conservative people. Friends are chosen either from their native element, or from representatives of earth signs.

    Zodiac sign and friendship with him

    If you know under what sign a friend, acquaintance, colleague was born, it will become easy to find common interests and common ground.

    Aries. Reliable, always, in any situation, will support with advice and deed. He won't let you get bored. It's fun and interesting with him. But there is a small drawback: Aries are looking for friends who can submit to them. If this does not happen, the friendship may end. Aquarius can be your best friend. He does not enter into close relationships, keeps at a psychological distance, and this attracts Aries.

    Taurus. The most devoted and reliable friend. He will always give useful advice and will not refuse to help. Taurus without much thought will help out with money and things. As a rule, friendship with him is tied for many years. Taurus value friendship and are able to do everything in their power to keep it. Best friends - Pisces, Cancers, Capricorns.

    Twins. They are fickle and are rarely attached to people. They are more interested in literature, travel, give all their attention and time to hobbies. Often they simply do not have time and desire for friendship. But the only friend will not be bored. Aries, Libra, Aquarius are suitable for communication.

    Cancer. The most generous friend. Always comes to the rescue, but requires the same from friends. As a rule, he discusses his problems with his comrades, and shares joyful moments in life with outsiders. Those who want to make friends with them should remember that they are the most sincere, but rather closed people. Suitable Lions, Virgo, Pisces.

    A lion. He has a lot of arrogance and selfishness. He is flattered by the attention. Leo can forgive a lot, but he will hold a grudge and will not forget. Makes a lot of demands on friends. Only an erudite person with a good sense of humor will be a friend. Suitable Gemini, Aries, Scorpio.

    Virgo. Surround a friend with care and attention. He will always give practical advice, help in any household affairs. Often with special care refers to any trifles and is not averse to pointing out shortcomings. Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer will become comfortable.

    Scales. People are frank and always telling the truth in the eye. Friendship is valued and valued. Indulgent, accepting people for who they are. Much is generously forgiven. Suitable for Gemini, Leo, Aquarius.

    Scorpion. Born critic. It's hard to really get along with him. But he will become a faithful and reliable comrade. Betrayal or betrayal will not forgive and can become an implacable enemy. As comrades, it is better to choose Virgo, Capricorn, Aries.

    Sagittarius. A friend with whom it will always be interesting and fun. They are reliable and resourceful people. They know how to solve any problem. They say about them: "you can go on reconnaissance with him." Suitable for Aries, Gemini, Leo.

    Capricorn. Closed, "man-case". She trusts almost no one with her secrets and experiences, does not show her feelings. But if required, he will gladly provide assistance with advice or deed. With a few, but real comrades, he maintains relationships all his life. Compatible with Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio.

    Aquarius. The “shirt-guy” knows how to make friends and really values ​​it.

    But strong friendship will be only with one or two comrades. One of the first to come to the rescue in difficult times. Aquarius is comfortable with Gemini, Sagittarius.

    Fishes. Always try to create strong friendships for years to come. They strive to gain unlimited trust from a comrade. Pisces is important spiritual connection. These are open and sincere comrades. Do not forgive betrayal and lies. Vulnerable and touchy. Pisces will be comfortable with Cancer, Leo, Capricorn.

    Representatives of all zodiac signs have different temperaments and character traits. But this should not prevent people from creating long and strong relationships. If it is easy and comfortable with a friend, then his sign does not matter.


    Perfect compatibility of zodiac signs in friendship :: SYL.ru

    Compatibility of zodiac signs in friendship - this topic is very interesting. Indeed, it is useful to know which people understand each other better and are able to form a strong friendly alliance. In any case, not only a loved one, but also a comrade must fit according to the horoscope, character and temperament. In general, we should talk more about this - it will turn out to learn a lot of new and interesting things.


    Speaking about the compatibility of zodiac signs in friendship, you should first talk about Aries. This is the first of all 12 signs in the horoscope, which means that you need to start with it. Two Aries is quite a good friendly union. Two powerful flames that combine into one hellish fire! Together they can achieve a lot, and the commonality of goals, characters and ardent temperaments is what unites them. Friendship with Taurus Aries will not work out - they look too much in different directions. Little in common for a strong friendship. Unlike Gemini, they are united with Aries by ingenuity, a creative approach to life and simply an unimaginable number of interesting ideas that they will gladly bring to life together. With Cancer, Aries forms an explosive mixture, with Leo - continuous competition. With a skeptical Virgo, this emotional person is also unlikely to succeed. But with sensual Libra, a strong friendship can develop, based on mutual understanding and support. With “poisonous” Scorpions, quiet Pisces and stubborn Capricorns, Aries is better not to mess with, but with honest and open Sagittarius, everything can turn out. As with energetic Aquarius. Such is the compatibility of the signs of the zodiac in friendship in this case.


    Talking about the compatibility of zodiac signs in friendship, one cannot ignore Taurus. With representatives of their own sign, it will be easy for them. They are united by common interests, views and worldview. The main thing is that they do not have quarrels, otherwise two bulls can quarrel big. With overly creative and energetic Gemini, rational Taurus will not succeed in friendship, but with Cancer - quite, although they seem completely different. They cannot stand proud Lions, but relations with the judicious Virgo are developing successfully. Friendship with Libra also turns out to be excellent, the only thing is that they both love and know how to argue. Because of this, misunderstandings sometimes arise. Scorpio can also become a good friend of Taurus - he will be faithful and devoted to him. Unlike Sagittarius and Aquarius. But Pisces or Capricorns, somewhat idealistic and even slow, will be able to find a common language with a calm Taurus.

    Friendship with creative people

    Gemini and Cancers are quite interesting people. In addition, these signs of the zodiac are located nearby (by months). Compatibility (friendship) with these personalities can develop successfully for almost any person. The twins become good friends for almost everyone - they give valuable and useful advice, besides, their interlocutors cannot but conquer their charm and sociability. And if the opponent shows a reciprocal interest, then Gemini will become a true friend for him. Because he wants to feel needed.

    Cancer is the same. They are hospitable, sociable and resourceful. In general, unusual people. They like to delve into themselves and their feelings. Such individuals are able to help solve other people's problems and support those who trust them. In general, if a person is drawn to such a person, friendship can turn out, and quite strong.

    Which girls are true friends?

    The compatibility of zodiac signs in the friendship of girls is also an entertaining topic. Some people believe in female friendships, some don't. How are things really? Well, perhaps the strongest female friendly couple can be called such a combination as Scorpio and Libra. They are almost perfect friends. These girls never quarrel, and if any misunderstandings arise, they are usually resolved in the process of conversation and communication. Libra and Scorpio are not the kind of people who need to scandal and quarrel. They don't like to complicate things.

    They also enjoy spending time together. These girls love the same things, they like to go to entertainment places, travel, walk, watch movies together, listen to music and chat on the same topics. They both have a risk-taking nature. So these girls can often be seen together: skydiving or doing extreme driving. In addition, they will always listen to each other, support and give valuable advice. It is rare to find such a successful compatibility of zodiac signs in friendship. Scorpio and Libra are friends forever.

    Expressive personalities

    Now it’s worth talking about relationships with people who are very eccentric characters. And this topic is the compatibility of the signs of the zodiac in the friendship of Leo. Personalities born under the auspices of this constellation are always in search of interesting adventures. These people are proud of the kind of life they lead, and also adore compliments (only deserved ones). Confident, purposeful - it is interesting to communicate with such people. In addition, they constantly generate some funny ideas and are eager to bring them to life.

    By the way, Sagittarians are almost the same, only less proud. Charming, tireless and energetic, just like Leos, they love adventure, parties and noisy gatherings. Together with the Lions, they form an explosive mixture that will always be happy to see in any company. They are able to find a language with almost any person. And this is their definite plus.

    Quiet and dreamy, or How to be friends with Pisces

    These people rarely remain without friends, although they cannot be called particularly sociable. They do not open up to the first comer, taking the issue of friendship very seriously. Pisces are very wise, and it is important for them that their friend is someone they can trust. It is interesting with them - this is a real storehouse of knowledge and stories. Pisces will always tell something entertaining and will try their best to captivate their interlocutor. These people know how to inspire, support and make friends. They understand their friend better than themselves. In general, being friends with such a person is a pleasure. The main thing is not to accidentally offend him with a careless word, otherwise they are very impressionable, it is easy to upset them.

    Compatibility of zodiac signs in love and friendship

    It should be noted that in terms of love, compatibility is not much different from friendship. There, characters, temperaments, common interests and the attitude of each to life are just as important. And of course, to your potential partner. If people are too different, they will not be able to exist with each other. So, for example, the harsh Taurus will not be a good match for the soft and sensitive Pisces. And Libra does not work out with the skeptical Virgo. Love compatibility is a very broad topic, but in order for people to exist together, such things as sincere feelings, mutual understanding and respect for each other are important. Without this, no relationship will work.


    three types of female friendship according to the sign of the zodiac

    Women's friendship has long been debated: does it really exist? Astrologers claim that it exists, and it is divided into three types. In our female horoscope, you can find out the whole truth about your friendships: what drives you and your girlfriend, and what your communication is based on.

    Perhaps in this horoscope you will recognize situations from your life and find an explanation for the friendship with some people in your life.

    Strong friendship

    This is the first type in friendship in the female horoscope, which is based on mutual trust, love and understanding. In such friendship there is no self-interest and envy. Friends are sincere towards each other. This is the perfect female friendship. What kind of representatives of the Zodiac Signs are able to truly be friends?

    • Capricorn - Pisces
    • Virgo - Taurus
    • Scorpio - Pisces
    • Libra - Aquarius
    • Libra - Sagittarius

    Friendship is a benefit

    This female friendship is based on mutual benefit. For example, you are friends with a person because he helps you in your work, and he is friends with you because you are always ready to listen to his complaints about life and help with advice. Such communication can quickly break off as soon as one side or another stops giving the other what he needs. The following representatives of the female horoscope can be friends on mutually beneficial terms:

    • Pisces - Leo
    • Gemini - Aquarius
    • Virgo - Aries
    • Sagittarius - Cancer
    • Scorpio - Virgo
    • Taurus - Gemini
    • Gemini - Capricorn

    Friendship - rivalry

    This female friendship is based on constant rivalry with each other. It can last for many years until someone decides to stop in their development. Communication-rivalry between women according to the horoscope has a very solid foundation and an ambiguous meaning. On the one hand, such friendship stimulates constant growth and development, because you don’t want to look worse than your girlfriend, get less work than her and be less successful with a man than hers. On the other hand, such friendship often gives rise to irritation, draws out strength and energy - after all, you always need to keep up with your girlfriend and try to overtake her. Such female friendship is typical for the following Zodiac Signs:

    • Leo - Scorpio
    • Leo - Cancer
    • Scorpio - Sagittarius
    • Taurus - Aquarius
    • Libra - Taurus
    • Libra - Pisces
    • Capricorn - Leo
    • Gemini - Pisces
    • Pisces - Virgo

    And how is your friendship with representatives of the Zodiac Signs in your life, and were astrologers wrong with these types of female friendships? We are waiting for your comments at the bottom of the article and do not forget to click on the buttons. Good luck and do not forget to click on the buttons and


    Compatibility of zodiac signs in the friendship of girls and men is not a video or table, photo, practice and percentage definition by date of birth online and for free

    • 1 Compatibility of zodiac signs in friendship by date of birth
    • 2 Druid Horoscope Compatibility
    • 3 Compatibility of zodiac signs in friendship Libra and Cancer, Cancer and Taurus, Virgo and Cancer, Capricorn and Cancer, Cancer and Sagittarius
    • 4 Compatibility in friendship of the zodiac signs Aquarius and Capricorn, Pisces, Taurus, Leo, Aries, Scorpio man and woman
    • 5 Compatibility of zodiac signs in friendship Gemini and Virgo, Libra for girls and guys

    This article provides data that can be used to quickly get answers to frequently asked questions about friendships and relationships between different zodiac signs.

    Compatibility of zodiac signs in friendship by date of birth

    Both in love and in friendship, people most often rely on intuition and choose for themselves the person who most of all falls to the heart and touches the secret strings of the soul.

    However, in both the first and the other cases, in addition to the feelings and emotions that have flared up, it is also necessary to take into account the factor of general compatibility, based on the karmic meaning of the date of birth of a person. So, the systematization and classification of the compatibility of various zodiac signs was made:

    - "Extra Compatibility" is a strong friendly union that lasts for many years, as people become really close to each other, they have a lot in common in their worldview, character and life principles. People of these signs are real, loyal and reliable friends. Zodiac signs for "extra compatibility": Leo - Aries, Taurus - Capricorn, Cancer - Scorpio, Aquarius - Libra.

    - "Classic Union" - ordinary friendly relations that are fixed for a long period of time. Comrades understand each other and under any circumstances remain true to their friendship. Zodiac signs according to the "classical union": Gemini - Aries, Cancer - Taurus, Leo - Gemini, Virgo - Cancer, Virgo - Taurus, Libra - Gemini, Libra - Leo, Scorpio - Virgo, Sagittarius - Aries, Sagittarius - Leo, Sagittarius - Libra, Capricorn - Virgo, Scorpio - Capricorn, Aquarius - Aries, Aquarius - Gemini, Aquarius - Sagittarius, Pisces - Taurus, Cancer - Pisces, Scorpio - Pisces, Capricorn - Pisces.

    - "Moderately comfortable" - a favorable friendly union between people, in which each of the participants in this duet can rely on his friend both in joy and in difficult situations, each of them has the realization that in any conflict a compromise will be found and the problem will be solved in a friendly way. Zodiac signs according to the "moderately comfortable" union: Aries - Aries, Taurus - Taurus, Gemini - Gemini, Cancer - Cancer, Leo - Leo, Virgo - Virgo, Libra - Libra, Aries - Libra, Scorpio - Taurus, Scorpio - Scorpio, Sagittarius - Gemini, Sagittarius - Sagittarius, Capricorn - Cancer, Capricorn - Capricorn, Aquarius - Leo, Aquarius - Aquarius, Pisces - Virgo, Pisces - Pisces.

    - "Many contradictions" - friendships are built on trust and loyalty, however, various kinds of contradictions constantly arise between friends, which basically end with the fact that everyone remains with their own personal opinion. Zodiac signs for this type of union: Aries - Taurus, Pisces - Aries, Gemini - Taurus, Cancer - Gemini, Leo - Cancer, Virgo - Leo, Libra - Virgo, Scorpio - Libra, Scorpio - Sagittarius, Capricorn - Sagittarius, Aquarius - Capricorn , Pisces - Aquarius.

    - "Conflicts" - the compatibility of such people is excluded, because they have a different idea of ​​\u200b\u200bfriendship and friendly relations in general. Such an alliance will not be able to exist for a long time, since the partners seem to be on different planets, however, if friendship has already appeared, together they will fight to maintain it at all costs. Zodiac signs for compatibility "conflict": Aries - Cancer, Virgo - Aries, Scorpio - Aries, Aries - Capricorn, Taurus - Leo, Libra - Taurus, Taurus - Sagittarius, Aquarius - Taurus, Virgo - Gemini, Gemini - Scorpio, Capricorn - Gemini, Pisces - Gemini, Libra - Cancer, Sagittarius - Cancer, Aquarius - Cancer, Scorpio - Leo, Capricorn - Leo, Pisces - Leo, Virgo - Sagittarius, Aquarius - Virgo, Capricorn - Libra, Pisces - Libra, Scorpio - Aquarius, Sagittarius - Pisces.

    Druid Horoscope Compatibility

    The horoscope of the Druids is compiled according to the principle of the correlation of the Celtic pantheons with calendar periods:

    Fir - January 02-January 11, July 05-July 14. Compatible with Pine, Jasmine, Ash, Hornbeam, Olive.

    Elm - January 12-January 24, July 15-July 25. Compatible with Cypress, Beech, Cedar, Maple, Ash.

    Cypress - January 25-February 3, July 26-August 4. Compatible with Apple, Elm, Maple, Jasmine, Birch.

    Poplar - February 04-February 08, August 05 - August 13. Compatible with Linden, Nut, Fig.

    Kartas - February 09 - February 18, August 14 - August 23. Compatible with Oak, Elm, Maple, Jasmine.

    Pine - February 19 - February 28/29, August 24 - September 02. Compatible with Fir, Hornbeam, Olive.

    Willow - March 01 - March 10, September 03 - September 12. Compatible with Apple, Rowan, Jasmine, Fig, Birch.

    Lipa - March 11 - March 20, September 13 - September 22. Compatible with Poplar, Rowan, Fig.

    Hazel - March 22 - March 31, September 24 - October 03. Compatible with Cedar, Walnut, Ash, Hornbeam.

    Maple - April 11 - April 20, October 14 - October 23, Compatible with Beech, Elm, Cypress, Cedar.

    Walnut - April 21 - April 30, October 24 - November 02. Compatible with Poplar, Hazel, Chestnut.

    Jasmine - May 01 - May 14, November 03 - November 11. Compatible with Beech, Cypress, Cedar, Birch.

    Hornbeam - June 04 - June 13, December 02 - December 11. Compatible with Beech, Fir, Oak, Pine, Hazel.

    Birch - June 24 - summer solstice. Compatible with Cypress, Apple, Willow, Olive, Jasmine.

    Olive - September 23 - autumnal equinox. Compatible with Fir, Birch, Fig, Pine.

    Beech - December 21-22 - winter solstice. Compatible with Elm, Oak, Maple, Jasmine, Hornbeam.

    Compatibility of zodiac signs in friendship Libra and Cancer, Cancer and Taurus, Virgo and Cancer, Capricorn and Cancer, Cancer and Sagittarius

    The compatibility of Cancers and Libra in friendship is as dubious as their love relationship. They can coexist provided they are at a safe distance from each other.

    Not that these signs show aggression or create conflict situations, "sucked from the finger", no. It's just that their potential, as people who know how to be friends, is reduced to zero in such a tandem. They have little in common and are practically not interested in learning anything about each other. However, if representatives of these signs collide on the basis of the educational or intellectual-cultural sphere, then mutual perception changes radically.

    Under such conditions, this couple can, for quite a long time, communicate on such topics, they are content with new knowledge that they consider useful for themselves, thanks to which they unconsciously translate simple, non-committal communication into real friendships. The line of their common topics for conversation is expanding, and even without noticing it, they can already share everyday problems, everyday news and personal life, so they have more and more reasons to meet every day.

    Cancer and Taurus create a strong friendly alliance. They always have something to talk about at their leisure, since these signs are very similar in both their affections and their needs. The favorite topics of their long-term conversations are focused on elementary practical things, which for some may seem primitive and indecent for dissemination. Cancer and Taurus are fixated on the family hearth and financial well-being, they are always concerned about creating comfort and coziness, which gives them the opportunity to discuss domestic circumstances for hours, not noticing how quickly time flies. Their trust in each other is almost limitless, mutual understanding is at a high level, which is why friendship lasts a long period of time.

    A friendship between a Virgo and Cancer can start from a trifle and a simple, easy dialogue and develop into a strong, stable relationship. They find a lot in common in each other and begin to open up almost from the very beginning of communication. They are united by household chores, which they are happy to share, while trying to learn something new and necessary for themselves from the story of their interlocutor.

    The issues of raising offspring, the secrets of a healthy diet and lifestyle, the experience of breeding animals - all these, at first glance, unrelated topics create affection between them and mutual understanding, which ultimately leads to joint celebrations of special dates and fruitful friendship between families. Sagittarius and Cancer in friendship do not seek benefits, so their relationship is built either on achieving a socially important goal, or on spiritual intimacy. They are interested in achieving what requires effort and a high intellectual level, so when they combine their efforts, they can move mountains.

    Their mutual understanding is based on common religious views and cultural motives, which makes them good allies and long-term partners. However, if the representatives of these signs did not catch the inner zest of each other, then they simply have no chance of long-term friendship.

    Compatibility in friendship of the zodiac signs Aquarius and Capricorn, Pisces, Taurus, Leo, Aries, Scorpio man and woman

    Friendly relations between Aquarius and Capricorn can only be if they are united by common interests in the professional field. In any other case, the avant-garde Aquarius is annoyed by the excessive self-confidence and dogmatism of Capricorn, which is why constant disputes, misunderstandings and grinding between them arise between them. Aquarius, who seeks to learn everything new and make innovative adjustments to life, does not understand the conservative and the lover to preserve the old foundations, which is the Capricorn.

    The union of Aquarius and Pisces has a promising future. They are “as of this world”, which creates many difficulties and troubles for them in achieving humane goals aimed at comprehensive justice and achieving a high level of humanity in the world in which they live. On the way to what they want, both Aquarius and Pisces know that they can rely on each other, so they have no doubt that their friendship is a shield against ill-wishers and intruders. They continue to defend their ideals, standing up for weak and helpless people.

    Aquarius and Taurus will not become friends until they learn to share each other's interests and life principles. Earthy, soaked to the marrow with reality and practicality, Taurus will be suspicious of constant flights in the clouds of Aquarius. And vice versa, a light, dreamy Aquarius will “load” with everyday life and excessive attention of the calf to the little things of everyday life, which for the latter are vital things.

    Aquarius and Leo - the union is quite interesting and extravagant. They have a common goal - to assert themselves in society, but in this they are not assistants to each other, but rather rivals. Leo will not always be able to objectively evaluate the efforts of Aquarius and his original ideas, thanks to which he is gaining popularity balls, and Aquarius, in turn, is annoyed that the lion achieves popularity without even straining at the same time. If they come to terms with each other's uniqueness and unite their common efforts, then it will be categorically impossible to overcome and separate such a friendly tandem.

    Aries and Aquarius in friendship are very complementary. When one comes up with incredibly original ideas, the other takes action. For this reason, together they can move mountains and achieve great success, both in society and in the business field. Aries likes the cold prudence of his friend Aquarius, and the latter really likes the warm heart of a representative of the element of fire. They feel a mutual need for this friendship and, on a spiritual level, reach out to one another. Such a union is strong and durable.

    Aquarius and Scorpio - a man has greater prospects in friendship than a scorpion - a woman, because he is not so self-centered and narcissistic. Aquarius wants to be friends with the whole world, to be respected, understood and appreciated by everyone, whoever appears on his life path. He loves popularity and strives for universal recognition.

    Scorpio - a man can support his comrade's attempts to take a pedestal, remaining in an imaginary shadow, which cannot be said about the female representative of the same sign. A scorpio woman will not allow Aquarius to fawn and love with everything in a row. She, even as a friend, will try to capture his attention completely and completely and focus it on her beautiful person.

    The union of Aquarius and the scorpion man will exist if the two of them show a love for the exact sciences or high technologies. A scorpio woman with Aquarius will create a friendly alliance, rather shaky and not for a long time, however, with their mutual desire, an incredibly strong friendly couple can mature.

    Compatibility of zodiac signs in friendship Gemini and Virgo, Libra for girls and guys

    Friendship between twins and a virgin is almost impossible. Here two inveterate critics collided, who will not yield to each other in a dispute over which of them knows more and how to do the right thing.

    Virgos will not miss the opportunity to make a remark and put their twin friend in their place if they notice how easy and simple life is for him, and the twin, in turn, will indicate to the virgin that the latter does not know how to relax at all and get positive from life. Their similarity is not good. Just in this case, on the contrary, what, in fact, should unite them, separates them on opposite sides of the barricades. The friendly relations of these signs of the zodiac can be born on their joint search for new information, otherwise, they can be simple, non-binding, familiar.

    The compatibility of twins with Libra girls and Libra guys is completely identical. Both in the first and in the second case, they are united by much in common and vital for them. Gemini and Libra love interesting, lively conversations that will allow them to take a fresh look at seemingly banal things. They have fun spending time together and, absolutely not noticing how quickly it passes, they can spend hours talking on various topics, revealing more and more facets of the unknown.

    Gemini, by nature, are lovers of long and non-stop talking, and Libra, both girls and boys, can tirelessly listen and enjoy the colorful monologues of their friend. They are created for each other almost perfectly, because they are united by the unity of taste preferences, similarity in outlook on life and aspirations, so it is so easy and comfortable for them to be together in any situation.


    zodiac and friendship - Rambler / horoscopes

    Surely you have always been surprised by the fact that it can be good with one person, but you don’t even want to see another. It is especially strange if a person is good in himself and there are no complaints against him, but, alas, there is no connection with him. Why do we choose some people as our friends and keep others out? This will help to understand the astrological view of this issue. In the end, each sign of the zodiac has its own traits, which become decisive in friendship.

    They are friends with Gemini, Aquarius, Leo and Sagittarius. Since this sign belongs to the element of Fire, its representatives have pronounced leadership qualities. Aries are quick-tempered and easily offended. This greatly affects friendship. In general, they are always ready to support a friend, but sometimes they can make the wrong choice and go in the direction of the material, not the spiritual.

    They are friends with Pisces, Cancers, Virgos and Capricorns.

    This is the second sign in the zodiac list. It is ruled by the element of Earth. Due to this, Taurus are known for their developed organizational skills. They have no separation between friends and family. They treat everyone equally warmly. You can always turn to them for advice and help. If they are friends with someone, they will not regret anything for a good friend.


    They are friends with Aries, Leo, Libra and Aquarius.

    This sign belongs to the Air element. Geminis are praised for their communication skills and friendly nature. As a rule, they have many friends. They are good listeners and quite flexible in communication, they can perceive completely different people. But most of all they value intelligence, their friends are not inferior to them in this.

    They are friends with Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio and Pisces.

    As a representative of the Water element, Cancer is rather hidden and prone to reflection. They can support their friends, but it is very difficult for them to make new acquaintances. Cancers will always be faithful and devoted in friendship, if you do not undermine their trust. Most of all they like to solve the problems of their friends, they consider it their moral duty.

    They are friends with Gemini, Libra, Aries and Sagittarius.

    A rather aggressive sign, since it belongs to the element of Fire. Lions have good organizational skills and strive to be absolute leaders in everything. However, it is not easy for them to make friends with anyone, although they love attention. Leos are very sensitive and afraid to let people get too close to them. They carefully choose their friends, but even with them they prefer to be in charge.

    They are friends with Cancers, Scorpios, Taurus and Capricorns.

    A typical representative of the Earth element. Virgos prefer to be inside themselves, are slightly mysterious and have strategic qualities. They are called "communicators". Virgos are not particularly self-confident, they have natural modesty. Most often, they find it difficult to make friends with people. If they begin to be friends with someone, then there is no doubt that Virgo will give useful and good advice in a difficult situation. Plus, they are reliable people.

    They are friends with Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini and Aquarius.

    People of this sign belong to the element of Air. By nature they are idealists. They do not want to be absolute leaders, but strive to control everything in their lives. Libras attract people. They are pros at advising others. im lay down


    Women's friendship according to the zodiac. We are friends according to the horoscope!

    Aries friend. Will readily respond to any of your requests for help - from repairs to inventing a new hairstyle. She, without hesitation, will lend you any amount of money, and will not remind you of the timing of the return. Just do not ask her to participate in settling your conflicts - honest and straightforward, Aries is completely incapable of subtle hints and diplomatic concessions. You can experience this quality for yourself when you answer the question: “Listen, won’t it tell you that I’ve gained a little weight?” hear: “Yes, frankly, you have been pretty blown lately.”

    Gemini friend. An ideal companion and participant in any adventures. Just don't expect her to share the responsibility with you if something goes wrong. The twin easily agrees to risky adventures, and can just as easily refuse at any stage. At the same time, her charm will not allow you to hold a grudge against her. She will always come out dry - what about you? The twin will perfectly support the company, will shine with wit at a party and will definitely not covet the man you have noticed for yourself. In addition, she loves to gossip on the phone - if you feel like talking to death - feel free to dial her number.

    Girlfriend Cancer. A classic friend who can listen to your complaints for hours and wipe your tears with a handkerchief. No one else can so fully understand your misfortunes and so sincerely sympathize. True, such an idyll continues only until she has her own family. From now on, all her concern will be directed to her husband and child, and you will have to be content with rare meetings at the table at major holidays. However, you can always call her on the phone and ask for advice. Despite their sensitivity, Raquinhas are very practical and never lose their heads. You should not ask her for a loan, criticize her and make fun of her - and your friendship will last for years, bringing you both a lot of benefits. Crayfish are the best cooks, so always ask her for the recipe before parting - you won't go wrong.

    Leo friend. Try to figure out who you are for your girlfriend. On the one hand, she tries to surround herself with bright and outstanding people. But on the other hand, she likes to have someone at her side, a kind of gray mouse, for an advantageous comparison in her favor. In friendship, you will have to give her the leading role, and at the same time learn to admire her actions. Make sure that your personality in such relationships is not suppressed or relegated to the background. It is not recommended to pay for a Lioness friend even sometimes - she can quickly get used to it. And do not give her hasty promises, succumbing to the power of the royal personality, as then you will have to fulfill them, sometimes to the detriment of yourself.

    Virgo friend. She may not be loved for excessive pedantry and criticality, because it is difficult to communicate with a person who is constantly dissatisfied with something. Virgo's desire for order makes her to be excessively demanding both to herself and to her friends. She can love you with all her heart, but at the same time want to make you better and point out all the shortcomings. Of course, many do not understand the essence of these nit-picking and cannot withstand the flow of constant criticism. To be friends with Virgo, you need to have a fairly peaceful and balanced character, and at the same time - some optimism and a sense of humor. You should not push her and demand the impossible from her, it is better to show visible signs of attention and disposition to her - she will repay you a hundredfold. Keep in mind, telling her about your too free relationships with men, you risk disappointing her and causing a stream of moralizing. Any excesses will cause her condemnation.

    Girlfriend Libra. Your relationship can be called secular in the full sense of the word. Libra will never cross the threshold of decency, will always remain within the framework of social conventions. Being a real diplomat, she is unlikely to show you her true reaction, only polite surprise and acceptable sympathy. She wants everything to be "decent", she will never get involved in scandals or quarrels. At the same time, she loves to gossip, and you can’t refuse her sharpness of tongue. She is able to help you if you get into trouble, but not excessive, and even then, if you ask for it. Friendship with her will be easy and not burdensome. It is useless to ask her for advice: she herself can never make a decision and endlessly hesitates in choosing.

    Scorpio friend. This jealous woman will try to capture you entirely, claiming all your free time and demanding exclusivity and complete dedication. She can call you every day and persistently elicit the details of your intimate meetings, she will try to find out the size of your salary, and even the color of your underwear. You will have to devote yourself to her completely and maintain a real spiritual connection. Scorpio, in turn, will repay you with reciprocal devotion, share your misfortunes, even the most severe ones. You may well live with her for a while or borrow a large amount of money. Just one tense moment: Consider Scorpio's innate sex appeal when introducing her to your husband. It is better to arrange so that they do not intersect at all, since the risk is too great. You can discuss it at least for hours, but you must avoid personal contacts at all costs. And be afraid to offend Scorpio - she is quite vindictive and, moreover, vengeful.

    Sagittarius friend. With her independence, it is not clear whether she needs friends at all. She does not like to discuss her plans with someone and will brush aside your attempt to discuss relationships with the opposite sex. An irrepressible dreamer and dreamer, she often wishes for reality, so you should not trust her stories. Meetings with a Sagittarius girlfriend are unlikely to become regular, rather, they will be spontaneous and unplanned, but full of new impressions and emotions. The archer loves to make friends in her professional environment, and preferably more qualified than her. God forbid you think that she needs this in order to gain influence or exert pressure. Everything is much simpler - an honest and inquisitive Sagittarius just wants to learn something new, but at the same time useful.

    Girlfriend Capricorn. Perhaps this is the most reliable girlfriend of all the other Signs. Such friendship is worth cherishing, it has a real multifaceted value and most often lasts a lifetime. In turn, Capricorn takes her friends seriously and responsibly, tries to help them to the best of her ability and is not greedy. In the company of close friends, she can finally afford to relax and really appreciates it. You can safely leave her in the company of your husband for any time, but you do not need to make eyes at her chosen one. Capricorn also disapproves of light flirting and crazy romances, never participating in them herself and keeping her girlfriends. If you do not want to lose her respect, do not tell her about your unsightly deeds.

    Aquarius friend. Friendship with Aquarius can be very inspiring and interesting, and at the same time non-committal and without any material platform. Do not expect practical advice and real help from her, especially constant. True, if you borrow a certain amount from her, then she may even forget about it ... as well as about you in general. Aquarians rarely make friends "one on one", most likely she has a whole army of friends of both sexes, which is replenished daily. If you still meet daily, for example, while working together, then Aquarius will be your “TV”: it will report all the most interesting news, both local and global, and bring you up to date with the latest fashion trends. When making an appointment with her, be aware of her ability to be more than an hour late, and be sure to call back with a reminder.

    Pisces friend. That's who you can cry on your shoulder all your grievances and misfortunes. Sensitive Fish may even cry with you, however, after that she will definitely want to pour out her soul to you. Conversations with Pisces in a cozy kitchenette over a cup of tea can last for hours, and it is better to take a box of cookies or sweets with you - and refresh yourself and sweeten your grief. After such a conversation, you can try to assess your condition - do you really feel better or do you feel exhausted? Rybka is not distinguished by the ability to give good advice, and in other matters you cannot count on her. If you start some kind of joint business with her, even cooking salads for a common table, then you will have to control her at every step, otherwise you risk doing all the work alone.

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    astrozodiac.ru The better you treat a woman, the worse Punish a woman

    Friendship is the main and enduring value in human life. Finding out what the compatibility of zodiac signs is in friendship is a kind of help to find a reliable and faithful comrade. No one will deny that friendships arise regardless of races, genders, zodiac signs. Compatibility according to a horoscope is a kind of model of human relationships in which friends are selected according to absolutely objective criteria.

    Astrology claims that soul mates are most often people born in the same element. They have a lot in common, but the main thing is one temperament.

    Those born in this element have strength, energy, temperament. These are typical choleric people: fast, impulsive, irritable. They live by the principle: to desire and act.

    They have a huge energy potential, but they are often subject to emotional breakdowns and downturns. Aries, Leo and Sagittarius will find comrades in their fiery element. They will also like Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Air signs, fanning the flames of fire, bring new ideas and inspiration.

    Earth Element (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

    Those born under the auspices of the earth element are static, solid. Typical phlegmatic. It's hard to get them out. In any case, they are unhurried, calm and diligent. They have a sense of duty and practicality. They do not like and do not want to show emotions. They are close in spirit to people of their element and representatives of Water.

    Air Element (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

    These are typical sanguine people: contact, mobile, positive and lively. But they are defeated by frequent and abrupt mood swings. They are sociable, cheerful and curious. They have an independent character, are often uncollected and undisciplined.

    Their friends are air and fire signs.

    Water Element (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

    Aquatic representatives are sensitive, vulnerable and dreamy. A typical representative is a melancholic. Lives by the principle: feel and feel. Often capricious, tearful. These are the most conservative people. Friends are chosen either from their native element, or from representatives of earth signs.

    Zodiac sign and friendship with him

    If you know under what sign a friend, acquaintance, colleague was born, it will become easy to find common interests and common ground.

    Aries. Reliable, always, in any situation, will support with advice and deed. He won't let you get bored. It's fun and interesting with him. But there is a small drawback: Aries are looking for friends who can submit to them. If this does not happen, the friendship may end. Aquarius can be your best friend. He does not enter into close relationships, keeps at a psychological distance, and this attracts Aries.

    Taurus. The most devoted and reliable friend. He will always give useful advice and will not refuse to help. Taurus without much thought will help out with money and things. As a rule, friendship with him is tied for many years. Taurus value friendship and are able to do everything in their power to keep it. Best friends are Pisces, Cancers, Capricorns.

    Twins. They are fickle and are rarely attached to people. They are more interested in literature, travel, give all their attention and time to hobbies. Often they simply do not have time and desire for friendship. But the only friend will not be bored. Aries, Libra, Aquarius are suitable for communication.

    Cancer. The most generous friend. Always comes to the rescue, but requires the same from friends. As a rule, he discusses his problems with his comrades, and shares joyful moments in life with outsiders. Those who want to make friends with them should remember that they are the most sincere, but rather closed people. Suitable Lions, Virgo, Pisces.

    A lion. He has a lot of arrogance and selfishness. He is flattered by the attention. Leo can forgive a lot, but he will hold a grudge and will not forget. Makes a lot of demands on friends. Only an erudite person with a good sense of humor will be a friend. Suitable Gemini, Aries, Scorpio.

    Virgo. Surround a friend with care and attention. He will always give practical advice, help in any household affairs. Often with special care refers to any trifles and is not averse to pointing out shortcomings. Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer will become comfortable.

    Scales. People are frank and always telling the truth in the eye. Friendship is valued and valued. Indulgent, accepting people for who they are. Much is generously forgiven. Suitable for Gemini, Leo, Aquarius.

    Scorpion. Born critic. It's hard to really get along with him. But he will become a faithful and reliable comrade. Betrayal or betrayal will not forgive and can become an implacable enemy. As comrades, it is better to choose Virgo, Capricorn, Aries.

    Sagittarius. A friend with whom it will always be interesting and fun. They are reliable and resourceful people. They know how to solve any problem. They say about them: "you can go on reconnaissance with him." Suitable for Aries, Gemini, Leo.

    Capricorn. Closed, "man-case". She trusts almost no one with her secrets and experiences, does not show her feelings. But if required, he will gladly provide assistance with advice or deed. With a few, but real comrades, he maintains relationships all his life. Compatible with Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio.

    Aquarius. The “shirt-guy” knows how to make friends and really values ​​it.

    But strong friendship will be only with one or two comrades. One of the first to come to the rescue in difficult times. Aquarius is comfortable with Gemini, Sagittarius.

    Fishes. Always try to create strong friendships for years to come. They strive to gain unlimited trust from a comrade. Pisces is important spiritual connection. These are open and sincere comrades. Do not forgive betrayal and lies. Vulnerable and touchy. Pisces will be comfortable with Cancer, Leo, Capricorn.

    Representatives of all zodiac signs have different temperaments and character traits. But this should not prevent people from creating long and strong relationships. If it is easy and comfortable with a friend, then his sign does not matter.

    Not only a partner for marriage can be chosen by finding out the compatibility of zodiac signs in love. There is also a table that will help you choose a true friend by recognizing his zodiac affiliation to a particular constellation. Using such a table, a person has the opportunity to look a little ahead into a possible future in order to understand the future perspective of the relationship. What does the compatibility of zodiac signs in friendship offer, read in this article.

    Having got acquainted with new people and choosing a friend for ourselves, we hope for a long-term trusting relationship, although our expectations are not always justified. That is why, when trying to create a friendly relationship, you can be guided by the compatibility table for representatives of all 12 zodiac symbols.

    Various horoscopes have been created by man for many centuries. Many of them talk about love compatibility, others point to possible options for the upcoming future. But all of them are aimed at giving a person the opportunity to solve the most important issues in his life, using additional factors. In this case, when it comes to friendship and the combination of different people in terms of friendly relations, horoscopes provide a description of each zodiac sign.

    Today, trying to build a trusting relationship with a specific person, you can use different types of horoscopes:

      • Zodiacal. This horoscope is considered the most popular and in demand. Making predictions according to this version of astrological vision is based on the classification of all people according to their date of birth. People who were born in the same period are under the auspices of certain constellations. Therefore, they have similar features, the description of which helps to add up a more accurate idea of ​​​​specific people. In addition, the zodiac horoscope will indicate the advantages and disadvantages of each of the 12 groups of people representing a particular zodiac symbol.
    • Oriental. The principle of dividing all people on earth in this horoscope is similar to the previous one. Also called Chinese, it breaks everyone down into 12 categories based on year of birth. Depending on the year in which a person was born, he will fall under the protection of one of the 12 symbols of the Eastern horoscope. His characterization will be compiled according to the degree of influence of the Chinese patron symbol.
    • West. The basis of such a horoscope is the position of the celestial bodies (the Sun, the Moon) at the moment a person is born into this world. Descriptions characteristic of each position of the Sun and Moon help to find out the near future of a particular person by his birthday. Such a horoscope will "reveal the cards" regarding the upcoming changes in the fortuneteller's life.
    • Floral. This horoscope is no less popular among modern people. According to him, all people are divided into 36 groups (the division table is shown in the photo), each of which corresponds to a certain flower. The Celts, who invented such a calendar, could use it to determine periods that were successful for a person. In addition, using the patron flower as a talisman, it was possible to cause positive changes in life.
    • Druid. This calendar is similar to the previous one, only it uses trees as a separating criterion. According to such a horoscope, the description and characteristics of a particular person by his date of birth are compiled taking into account 22 categories, the patrons of which are trees.
    • Greek mythological. Such a horoscope is also considered one of the ancient ones, allowing you to find a match between people based on their patrons - Greek mythological animals (Centaur, Griffin, Pegasus, Sphinx and 6 more signs). In this case, the patronage and influence of a particular mythical symbol is considered a factor that determines the future of two people in terms of friendship.

    Any of these horoscopes can provide data on the compatibility of two people who are representatives of different (or the same) astrological symbols. Including, you can use each of these horoscopes to predict friendships with a specific person.

    Compatibility data in tabular form

    The most ancient of the sciences of astrology is the synastrial branch. At the heart of this kind of horoscope for the compatibility of representatives of different zodiac signs are long-term observations of the relationships of different people. Based on these studies, the following table was compiled.

    As can be seen from the data given in the table of the synastry direction, friendships can develop in several ways. Taking as a basis the relationship of each specific pair of people representing different zodiac constellations, a person was able to establish 5 options for friendly compatibility:

    • "Extra" - top-level compatibility, when two people can become really real and true friends.
    • "Classic Union" - friendly relations developing according to the usual pattern, where comrades remain faithful to each other in terms of friendship for many years.
    • "Moderately comfortable" - a friendship in which each of the friends will feel comfortable, where there will always be a compromise, and where a friend will never leave in trouble.
    • “Many contradictions” - such friendly relations can be long-term, but at the same time, contradictions will constantly take place between comrades.
    • “Conflicts” is a zone that absolutely does not allow the compatibility of two representatives of different zodiac signs. People who fall into such a zone will not become friends, but they will not be at enmity either.

    As you can see, a horoscope for friendly compatibility can demonstrate a possible scenario if two people with different dates of birth become friends. After reviewing the data that the astrological compatibility table carries, a person will be able to imagine an approximate version of the development of companionship.

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